About Me

J.D. Ravencroft is the daughter of Bishop Aldrich and Faye Johnson and the sister to the best younger brother ever. J.D. is a born and raised southern girl who has always had a deep passion for writing, God, and olives. J.D. started filling her diary and journals full of poetry at age eight and had written her first novel's rough draft by age eleven. Finally, J.D., at age nineteen has decided to listen to her calling and pursue publication of her first novel Afextra (Gargoyles Vs. Fairies, #1) which is due to release October 2014. Stay tuned for updates as the release draws closer.

1 comment:

  1. I'm Carmen Stefanescu from:
    I signed to follow your blog. I'd be glad if you could honor mine, too.
    I live in Romania, better known as Dracula's country. I am a teacher of English and German in my own town and country.
    Best regards and Happy Easter!


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